Celebrating the role of the UK SME investment community in job and wealth creation, the Growth Investor Awards honour all those involved in putting investment to work in high potential businesses – from those providing or helping to source investment to those best optimising growth capital to scale.
Recognising impact beyond investment, these Awards highlight the value delivered to investors, businesses and Britain’s economy by Fund Managers, Wealth Managers, Financial Advisers, Private Equity & Venture Capital Companies, Corporate Investors, Angel Syndicates, Investment Platforms, and Entrepreneurs.
Latest News
- 2024 Growth Investor Awards: Investing in Women Finalists Announced October 10, 2024
- 2024 Growth Investor Awards: Impact Finalists Announced September 23, 2024
- 2024 Growth Investor Awards: Venture Capital Finalists Announced September 10, 2024
- British Business Bank announced as supporter of Investing in Women initiative September 5, 2024
21 November 2024 – London
Hilton on Park Lane
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We are a London-based compliance consultancy offering hands-on support and specialist advice to financial services firms on the regulatory issues affecting them. We cover all areas of FCA and European regulation that have an impact in the UK, and provide support to our clients across the full range of compliance topics.

The British Business Bank is the largest domestic backer of Venture Capital funds in the UK. Established in 2006, the Enterprise Capital Funds programme helps those looking to operate in the UK market to raise venture capital funds specifically targeting early-stage small businesses believed to have long-term growth potential.
The Enterprise Capital Funds (ECF) programme combines private and public money to make equity investments into high growth businesses.
We look to increase the supply of equity to UK growth companies and to lower the barriers to entry for fund managers looking to operate in the VC market. We do this to encourage venture capital funds to operate in a part of the market where smaller businesses are not able to access the growth capital they need.

MI Capital Research Ltd (MICAP) is a provider of quality independent due diligence and research into the alternative investment market.
Founded in 2013, MICAP also provides an innovative and user-friendly online system for advisors and investors considering EIS, VCT, SEIS and BPR investment.
The market for investments benefiting from these government incentives has been around for many years, but their popularity has increased over the last few, as the government has increased the amounts that can be invested in order to encourage investment in small companies. Investors and advisors have also seen alternative investments as a way to diversify away from traditional investments, seeking better returns and high growth opportunities while gaining the benefit of government tax incentives.
Advisors too are looking more closely at these investments for the many financial planning opportunities they provide through income and capital gains tax deferral and relief, inheritance tax exemption and the tax free treatment of dividends and growth.
The investment and tax benefits combined have attracted many new offers into the market and understandably private investors and advisors now seek clarity to help them to review the increasing number of alternative investment offers available and to refine and support their investment selections.
MICAP has entered this market with highly qualified and experienced sector experts to help fulfil this need. MICAP’s commitment is to empower investors and advisors with information and analysis on these exciting investment opportunities.